Self-assessment - developing consciousness about your skills


Reflecting one's own knowledge and performance helps to recognize strengths and analyze opportunities for improvement. It is nevertheless easily forgotten or bypassed. Adopting good practices for self-assessments can help to reflect and correct one's development more frequently.

In my mind’s eye i see
Photo by Alexandre Croussette / Unsplash
  • At the beginning of a training session, it can be useful to write down personal goals for the training. After the training session review the goals and evaluate how well they were met and if something still needs to be done.
  • Having regular meetings with a mentor, supervisor or a group of colleagues to discuss one's development can be useful for both self-assessment and to find support.
  • At the end of an online course or each course module, a student can be asked to evaluate what he learned and how did he meet the course goals.
  • Writing a learning diary can help to refresh the topics just learned and also to reflect opportunities for improvement.

Self-assessment is a delicate process that requires space, an encouraging atmosphere and opportunities to act on the conclusions. Therefore the right time and place for it has to be considered.

If you would start writing daily or weekly entries to your learning diary, what would be the topics most useful for you to reflect?

What kind of opportunities you could arrange for your team for self-assessment?