Measuring progress and achievements


Measuring progress enables following achievements more systematically and objectively. Setting concrete goals and measuring the progress towards them helps to see whether one is on the right track and proceeding at the anticipated pace. Measuring progress also helps to track and solve problems faster when they occur.

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Photo by STIL / Unsplash
  • In the process of setting new goals and creating new plans, it is useful to consider how to measure the progress and when each subgoal should be accomplished.
  • Scheduling some checkpoints beforehand helps to review the progress regularly and to take action if there is a need to change the plans.
  • During the checkpoints, it is useful to review if the goals should be adjusted or if some strategy does not work as planned.
  • It is often motivating to visualize the progress and to define small rewards for achievements. When the progress has been made more visible, it is easier to see how the effort contributes to the goals.

When plans and expectations are not based on scenarios and hunches, but on real data on previous efforts, they become more realistic and probable to achieve.

How are you currently measuring your progress?

What kind of checkpoints does your team have to review the progress?